Music Information
Every chorus participating in a choral festival sponsored by the Southern California Vocal Association is strongly encouraged to select at least one piece from the Festival List of Recommended Music. This edition of the list supersedes all previous publications.
Because this list represents all grades and styles of composition, each piece is designed as Easy (E), Easy Medium (EM), Medium (M), Medium Difficult (MD) or Difficult (D). The grades are intended to serve only as a basic evaluation of inherent technical aspects and must be interpreted within the context of the ensemble for which the piece is being considered.
The editions included in the list are strongly recommended. SCVA recommends the use of original languages rather than translations. A musical set of two or more selections constitutes a single piece unless indicated by the phrase "select one". The notation "POP" next to a title means the piece is permanently out-of-print, but may already be in many choral libraries and is still recommended for festival use.