Southern California Vocal Association
2025 Vocal Solo Competition & Small Ensemble Festival Application Form

Please enter your information accurately into all fields  (including proper spelling, capitalization
and punctuation), then click on the "Submit Application" button only once.

Please check with your Choral Director or Private Voice Instructor to find out what
his/her preferred e-mail address is. You must then enter your Director's or Private Voice Instructor's
e-mail address accurately.    Please also ensure that your e-mail system will allow incoming
e-mail messages from ""

Performer's Information
Soloist's or Primary Contact's First Name:     Last Name: 
Home Address:
City:    State:    Zip:
Home Phone with Area Code: ()
Your E-mail Address (or a parent's):
Grade:     Do you check e-mail regularly?:
Names of Other Singers (for Ensembles only):
Song Title:
Song Duration (rounded to the nearest whole number of minutes):
Are you available for the Final Concert date, Sunday, May 21?
Upload your Audition Video file using the naming format of "lastname_firstname.mp4"
       (.mp4 or .mov formats only; file-size up to 550MB)
Your Choral Director's or Private Voice Instructor's E-mail Address: (must be an SCVA member):
 Photo & Video Release: I hereby authorize SCVA to publish images and video of me taken during
    this event for use in SCVA print, online and video-based marketing. I understand that no monetary
    compensation will be given for use of these materials.

Application Fee is $30.00 per soloist or $35.00 per ensemble.
You must use PayPal with any major credit card on the next screen.