• Southern California Vocal Association


You can use PayPal to securely pay any of the following fees using any major credit card (MC/VISA/AMEX/Discover), and you can use a Shopping Cart to purchase multiple items using a single PayPal transaction.  Please enter the detailed information (School Name, Choir Name, Singer's Name, etc.) before adding the item to your shopping cart.  A small fee will be added for each item (shown as "Shipping & Handling") to cover the processing fee that PayPal charges us.  The charge will appear on your monthly credit card statement as "PAYPAL*SOCALVOCAL".  You do not need to have or create your own PayPal account to use this service.

Important: Please keep the confirmation e-mail message from PayPal, in case there is ever any question about your payment status.

Annual SCVA Membership Renewal Fees

Active Members: $50.00 per member if paid by September 30; $60.00 if paid after September 30
Retired Members: $20.00 per member
Student Members: no charge

Important: Please use the on-line Membership Application to enter your contact information first.

Student Scholarship Donations

Scholarships for student need for honor choirs and the future choral educator award.

Vocal Solo Competition

Application Fee: $40.00 per singer

IMPORTANT: Please use the on-line Application to submit your application first.

School Name:

Singer First & Last Name(s):

Small Ensemble Festival

Application Fee: $45.00 per ensemble

IMPORTANT: Please use the on-line Application to submit your application first.

School Name:

Singer First & Last Name(s):

High School Festival

Registration Fee (without sightreading): $100.00 per choir

School Name:

Choir Name(s):

High School Festival

Registration Fee (with sightreading): $130.00 per choir

School Name:

Choir Name(s):

Junior High/Middle School Festival

Registration Fee (without sightreading): $100.00 per choir

School Name:

Choir Name(s):

Junior High/Middle School Festival

Registration Fee (with sightreading): $130.00 per choir

School Name:

Choir Name(s):

OC Kids All Sing (Elementary Choir Workshop)

Registration Fee: $25.00 per singer

School Name:

Singer First & Last Name(s):

Junior High Honor Choir

Participation Fee: $70.00 per singer

Important: Do NOT pay this fee until after the Audition Results have been posted and your name appears on the list.

School Name:

Singer First & Last Name(s):

Show Choir Spectacular

Registration Fee: $300.00 per choir

School Name:

Choir Name(s):
