• Southern California Vocal Association

Junior High Honor Choir

Event: Junior High/Middle School/9th Grade Honor Choir

Eligibility: Students in Grades 6-9 in choir, whose teachers are members of SCVA

Audition Requirements
Singers must be able to demonstrate that they can perform the following:
1. Sing a major scale up and down (a cappella)
2. Sing a major triad and a minor triad (a cappella)
3. Sing an octave (a cappella)
4. Sight read one melodic and one rhythmic example
5. Sing tonal memory patterns (see below for examples)
6. Sing "Good Morning to You" (a-cappella)

Regional Audition Dates

Saturday, Jan 20, 9:00am - 1:00pm

Fullerton Union High School, Fullerton (host: Stacey Kikkawa)
Martin Luther King High School, Riverside (host: Daniel Alvarez)
Temple City High School, Temple City (host: Tammi Alderman)

Saturday, Jan 27, 9:00am - 1:00pm

Beacon Park K-8 School, Irvine (host: Miguel Chicas)
Griffiths Middle School, Downey (host: Nicole Hua)
Ramirez Intermediate, Eastvale (host: Sammy Salvador)

January 27 Audition Schedule

Audition Fee: $10.00 per singer
Participation Fee (if accepted into the Honor Choir): $70.00 per singer
All payments must be made through PayPal, School/Booster Check or Money Order; NO PERSONAL CHECKS

Important Dates:
On-Line Application & Payment Due: Thursday, January 18, 2024
Regional Auditions: Saturdays, January 20 and 27, 2024
Audition Results Posted: Feb 16, 2024
Regional Rehearsal: Saturday, March 23 from 9am-1pm at Dr. Augustine Ramirez Intermediate, 6905 Harrison Ave, Eastvale
Final Rehearsal: Saturday, May 4, Rehearsal sessions from 9:00am to 6:00pm, Eleanor Roosevelt High School, Eastvale
Concert: Saturday, May 4 at 6:00pm, Eleanor Roosevelt High School, Eastvale

Guest Clinician: Tina Peterson

Ticket Cost: $10.00 general admission (available at the door)

Honor Choir Contract

Contact: Sammy Salvador, sammy.salvador@cnusd.k12.ca.us

Sample Sight Reading and Tonal Memory Exercises
2021-2022 Sightreading
2022-2023 Sightreading
2021-2022 Tonal Memory
2022-2023 Tonal Memory
